The Objective Of JAMTTC For Which The the Centre has been Registered Under Society Registration Act 21,
1860, Regd. No. As
666/2014-15, is As Follows:-
provide quality training & capacity building of all stakeholders involved
in farm mechanization / integrated farm management / Conservation of
Biodiversity / Agriculture / Horticulture / Global warming / Organic farming
and any other engineering skill based agricultural activities.
To undertake the impact study / Monitoring &
Evaluation in the above said field.
To develop the new prototype model on farm
mechanization apparent with the soil & agro climatic condition of Jharkhand
and disseminate it’s to all concern for wider application.
To act as resources organization in the field of
farm mechanization / testing of farm implements, farm power machinery, Resource
Management & GIS based planning and monitoring.
To publish the Research papers / Journal / News
letters to promote / disseminates the technology / Innovative idea / package of
Practices related to farm mechanization / farm management / Agricultural
activity /Horticulture work / Global warming / Organic farming / Solar energy
and Non Conventional source of energy.
To conduct the Training & Capacity Building
Programme for farmers, field staff / extension personnel/students/ NGO’s
personnel/ Middle & senior level officer on the issues identified under the
wider umbrella of farm mechanization and Agriculture Engineering.
To establish networking / technical
collaboration with other reputed organizations / agencies of national &
international level specially working in the field of Farm Mechanization and
Agriculture Engineering.
To provide professional technical support to
project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) in planning and promotion of Farm
Mechanization and Agriculture Engineering. based state/national/international funded
To facilitate co-ordination with relevant
Programmes of agriculture, horticulture, rural development, soil conservation
and other similar stakeholders.
To develop State Specific process Guidelines,
technology Manuals on the issues of Farm Mechanization and Agriculture
To Establish and maintain a state level data
cell on the issues of Farm Mechanization and Agriculture Engineering.
To advise / suggest to policy makers / Govt.
agencies / PIA’S on the various measures / technology / innovative idea /
technical knowledge inputs and expertise for the sustainable development of
Acting as an effective coordinating mechanism
between all bodies / organizations / agencies / departments / ministries etc
who are involved in the field of Farm Mechanization and Agriculture
To grant scholarship/ hold meeting / workshop
/national & international seminar & exhibition and awards to prominent
person in the field of Farm Mechanization and Agriculture Engineering.
To acquire and dispose of movable and immovable
properties as and when required by the society to achieve the above said
To appoint/depute/hire/outsource the resource
persons (technical or non technical) on contractual/ honorarium basis in multi
disciplinary subject/field related to Farm Mechanization and Agriculture
Engineering for smooth and efficient running of the JAMTTC.
To accept the govt. grant / fund /
securities/land or properties of any kind and accessing fund/grant from
government / private sector / bank interest / corporate and foreign funding
Organizing regional / National and international
conferences, Seminars and workshop, study tours, and information sharing
Such other activities as many are decided by the
department /governing body of JAMTTC from time to time.
To do all such lawful act and things which is
accidental to objective and furtherance achieve the objective of the JAMTTC.
On the winding up or dissolution of JAMTTC there
shall remaining after the satisfaction of its debts / liabilities / property
whatsoever and the same shall not be
paid to or distributed among the member of the JAMTTC or any of them,
but shall be dealt with manner provided by section 12 of the Societies
registration Act 1860 prevailing in the state of Jharkhand.